Brockerhoff Environmental Services LLC
Established 2007
Speak with a NJ Licensed Site Remediation Professional about your environmental consulting needs. BES offers no obligation consultations, so contact us today!
Why Choose BES?
Since 2007, Brockerhoff Environmental Services has been committed to providing professional, innovative, and cost-effective solutions for all of your environmental needs. We strive to reach this goal by retaining knowledgeable environmental professionals on staff and providing them with the training and resources needed to complete projects on time and on budget. Meet the team of talented individuals who will provide these services for your specific project needs.

Services & Solutions
Assessments, Investigation, Models, Compliance. Great Value. Great People. We’re here to help. Simple as that.
Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) Program
The Site Remediation Reform Act (SRRA) of 2009 changed the process of environmental site investigation and cleanup in New Jersey.Industrial Site Recovery Act (ISRA)
BES provides Preliminary Assessments (PAs) of industrial sites in accordance with the NJDEP Industrial Site Recovery Act (ISRA) Program, as well as the Technical Requirements for Site Remediation (TRSR, N.J.A.C. 7:26E-3.1 and 3.2).Environmental Investigations
The knowledgeable staff at BES design environmental sampling plans in order to delineate the horizontal and vertical impacts of groundwater and/or soil contamination and determine the appropriate corrective action.Environmental Remediation & Oversight
If remediation is required, BES provides services for the needs of commercial, industrial, and residential property owners, utilizing intuitive approaches to remove contaminants from project sites.Due Diligence
BES can conduct Phase I Environmental Site Assessments in order to satisfy the due diligence requirements of a property transaction using current ASTM standards, or Transaction Screen Environmental Site Assessments for more limited due diligence.Underground Storage Tanks (USTs)
BES is experienced with the investigation and remediation of regulated underground storage tanks (USTs).Latest Articles
The World of Environmental Investigation & Site Remediation is constantly evolving, whether it be through changes to NJDEP rules and regulations, new technology, or simply the passing of time. Here are some updates about what has been going on recently:
What is a LSRP?
A Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) is an experienced environmental consultant who has completed a rigorous application and exam process...
Expedited Site Characterization: A Time and Cost-Saving Solution
It was back in the 1980s when the traditional approach for site characterization came into being. That approach is commonly used today even though there have been multiple improvements since then in methods and quality control.
EPA Proposes to Amend All Appropriate Inquiries Final Rule to Reference ASTM International’s E1527–13 Standard
A digest of the rule is extrapolated below: On August 15, 2013, the EPA released a proposal to amend the...
Combustible Dust: The Unforeseen Hazard!
With all the recent attention this issue has received, it is still surprising how many facilities believe they are OK....
Site Remediation: Explained
Environmental remediation involves providing a remedy for an environmental problem. This can include removing contaminants from groundwater or cleaning up...
Welcome to Brockerhoff Environmental Services
Brockerhoff Environmental Services LLC is a multidisciplinary scientific environmental consulting firm that strives to provide cost effective solutions to address...