Environmental Investigations

BES is able to provide several different forms of environmental investigation services. These services include:
Groundwater Monitoring & Modeling
Through the installation of temporary well points or permanent monitoring wells, BES will evaluate site groundwater within specific areas of concern or through a site wide sampling program. The groundwater samples are analyzed for specific site contaminants and are collected on a quarterly basis in order to determine trends of those contaminants. BES is also able to model the flow direction of groundwater at a site in order to determine potential sources of contamination.
Geological/Hydrogeological Investigations
Geological and hydrogeological investigation involve the use of soil cores to determine typical soil type, bedrock composition and depth to groundwater. These investigations are critical to sites with groundwater contamination that require the installation of shallow and/or bedrock monitoring wells for long-term studies.
Vapor Intrusion Sampling
Indoor air quality of building can impacted by chemical vapors if they are in close proximity to contaminated soils or groundwater. BES analyzes air samples from the building's foundation and indoors to determine if the contaminant levels exceed the NJDEP residential and/or non-residential indoor air screening levels
Contaminant Plume Delineation
The knowledgeable staff at BES design environmental sampling plans in order to delineate the horizontal and vertical impacts of groundwater and/or soil contamination, and define the extent of a contaminant plume.